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Yoruba people are known to be extra-ordinary! There are many ear-pleasing and nice names crafted by Yoruba people which is aimed at promoting love and oneness amongst spouses and friends. Calling your hubby wonderful names can really spice up your relationship. It can really be romantic and many partners really loved to be called one.
Here, you will find top ten, evergreen romantic Yoruba names that you can call your spouse, which he/she will really like. So, just pick anyone you like! Let get on it…
(1) Ododo Mi (My Flower)
This great name can really melt heart! Roses, Dahlia, Tulip (name it) are all beautiful. Calling your partner this name symbolizes how you cherish him.
(2) Orekelewa (The Overall Beauty)
This actually translate to “beauty that surpass all other beauties”. Can something be more adoring than this? This name is feminine and it is such a great name to give your wifey and she will definitely like it.
(3) Isura Mi (My Treasure)
Guess what? Your heart resides where your treasure is! Giving your hubby a unique romantic name like this is very superb. To crown it all, it is masculine and feminine, so what are you waiting for?
(4) Ife Mi (My Love)
Wait, how will you feel when someone actually call you this? You will be happy, right? You have all it takes to call that very unique person this name. It is lovable by all.
(5) Okan Mi (My Heart)
Imagine someone pointing at you, echoing “hey, that’s my heart right there.” Human heart is one of the major parts needed for overall body function. Naming your hubby this, tells people how important he/she is, to you.
(6) Ayanmo Mi (My Soul-mate)
Ayanmo is translated to as Destiny. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate, so when you find yours, be bold enough to flaunt him/her. This name is very pleasing to hearing.
(7) Iyo Aye Mi (Salt Of My Life)
Without salt, all ingredients and condiments added to a meal is nothing. Do you find a partner that brings meaning to your life? You’re a fortunate person, and this very name is for you to give that wonderful person.
(8) Onitemi (My Very Own)
Many loved songs have been rolled out with this very name. If you truly found the one meant for you, then you definitely like this name. Go ahead and call your spouse this name.
(9) Ade Ori Mi (My Crown)
This is one of the best masculine romantic names out there. Yoruba referred Ade Ori to as “Husband”. So, your man will highly be impressed when you call him this name because it shows you know his worth.
(10) Ayanfe Mi (My Chosen Love)
This mean, out of many people, you picked him/her as your beloved that your heart really pleases. It is a great name and very romantic.
Which of these names you found most appealing to your hearing? Which are you currently calling your spouse?
Which is your favourite amongst the list?